A look at the Editorial Board of the 1975 Olympiad
Robert Alexander.......... as
the editor, whose role it was to get the show on the road
Mrs. Jackson ............ as
the advisor, who played the hard part of teaching us all we
a Fine Supporting Cast:
Doug Alexander
Robert Prager
Martin Ozolin .................... as the indispensible camreamen.
Jill Hibberd ........................ as Grads Chief.
Myra Owendyk .................. as Ads Supervisor.
Joan Brekenridge ............... as Art and Lit Chief.
Linda Tracey...................... as Assistant Art and Lit Chief.
Beverly Spencer
Jackie Barlow .................... as Staff Section Co-Chiefs.
Ann Ast
Mark Stevens .................... as Club and Activities Co- Chiefs.
Nicky Page ....................... as Girls Sports Cheif.
Greaham McPhail .............. as Boys Sports Chief.
Barb Salamon ................... as the Bookkeeper.
Janet Zohorsky ................. as the Chorus, who helped do a
bit of everything.
Penny Wakun
Debbie Heden
Mrs. Hibberd's typing Class .as the typists.
*Roles were often changed as everyone helped everyone else.
Would be interesting to know if any had taken up a career in journalism