One of the many bands that played Riverdale High's
Friday Night Dances in the girls'
Anyone know the name of this
band? |
Senior Poetry Second Prize
The Living Hell
Inside the
never-forgiving dark grey walls, are lifeless guilt-striken
men. Who are confined to their dreary cell, oh so small, like
animals to a pen.
And through the hallways guards
patrol; The silence drives them insane. The animal-like
creatures they control, will soon be going down death
As they hear the awful bellowing bell, they all
start to fight, to scream and shout. This place is just like
hell, and all they really want is out.
Baker |
The Student's Voice was one of the many activities
at Riverdale. The paper largely comprised of articles, interviews,
editorials, poetry, cartoons and photographs. Usually this filled about
ten pages an issue. The staff's aim was to improve the quality of the
paper each edition. This meant more photographs and better articles. Only
the dedication of the staff who often spent many free 'mods'
(remember them?) and
hours after school on the job made your paper a reality.

After all pastup was done, the pages were brought to the
Graphics department and placed on the flatbed camera where they were
shot on film and printed on the Heidelbergh GTO press. The
finished product was then transported to the journalism room where
they were to be distributed by class representatives for their
classes. |
The type writer was the
tool of the trade back then. No computers to do word processing,
spell checking, kerning and spacing like we have at our disposal
Typed on paper and brought to the composing department
where they cut articles up in pieces and then laid them out on large
sheets to be photographed by the graphics department.
Biology Club
D. Holander and Philodendron, Alice Tucker and Goofy, Natalie
Kozolovsky and Sansiveria. FRONT ROW: Cathy McColm and Smokey,
Joan Crabtree and Kringle and Fudge, Linda Palmer and
Snowy. |