Riverdale H.S. November Edition 1974 |
by Beverly
Spencer |
Riverdale Scores Impressive Victory
5:15 on November 7th, this years "Reach for the Top" team, composed
of Robert Prager, Andy Coombs, Perry Lobel and team captain Stephen
Kruse, along with a bus-load of supporters, clambered aboard "Uncle
Harry's School Bus" to participate in the first game of the
After the rehearsal ended with Riverdale winning
325-180 over opponents from Westhill it was time to get down to the
real thing. A win in rehearsal did not assure a victory in the
actual game so, with a great deal of enthusiastic cheering from both
schools the game got underway.

the beginning, Riverdale's cheering was "not loud enough" we were
told, but that problem was soon overcome by the zealous Riverdale
rooting section who loudly cheered the team on to a 150-110 lead by
the end of the first round. Riverdale team captain, Stephen Kruse,
received a well deserved share of vocal support from some of the
more audible members of our rooting section who shouted "Way to go
Steve!" at every opportunity. But Steve deserved it. He
was responsible for a good many of the points awarded to Riverdale
and answered two key 30 point questions successfully (a who-am-I?
and a What-am-I?) on only the second clue.
Pistol Pete Says "Bang"
Throughout the
entire game, Riverdale stayed in the lead: the score reading at the
end of the second round, Riverdale 410, Westhill 305 but which
changed to 400-305 because of an earlier mistake made by Riverdale.
The end of the third round saw a Riverdale victory with the final
score 460-355. Both teams played exceptionally well. This program
will be televised Tuesday December 7th at 12 o'clock on channel
Congratulations to our team, their coaches, Mrs. B.
Handrahan and Miss. E Gredley and their manager, Eric Prosh and
Avrell Sherker.
Let's see if Riverdale can go all the way
this year! |
by Martin
Ozolin |