David Langlands
I left Riverdale in 74, went on to Monklands HS for 75, joined
the CAF.. retired (medical) in 89 after serving in both the Artillery
and as an Air Traffic Controller. Went to Dalhousie and only graduated
in 2001. Am a member of ACTRA as well as a grip (movie thing)
you may have seen me on a few films, but no big roles... I'd like
to say hi to Ann Ast... Live in a little village on the south
shore of Nova Scotia....
Hibberd - hibberd@attcanada.ca
Former teacher at Riverdale, living near Kingston, married 46 years,
two fabulous kids - Jill and Robin. Hi everybody.
Evelyn Bose
- evelynjrobinson@yahoo.ca
I'm not a grad of 75, but I like your site. Well done. Grad of
John Salvis
After graduating
in 66 and again in 67 - if you know what I mean, I returned to
Riverdale in the early 70's and worked with Rhodes Oulton
and Doug Hall to bring community youth workers into the
You (Grads of 77) may
be a little young to remember the transition from Bobby Vinton
to the Beatles and Rolling Stones but these were times of incredible
After returning from some international travel in '68, I approached
the West Island YMCA to help establish a variety of community
based youth services including high school based Peer-to-Peer
youth Counseling and Student Information Resource Centres at RHS
and Pierrefonds Comprehensive HS. These were interesting
times. Some notable personalities that became involved in the
North Shore Youth Services project include,
Williams - now Provincial MLA for Nelligan Riding http://www.assnat.qc.ca/fra/membres/wilr1.html,
Alan Fryer, CTV Bureau Chief - Washington,
Gary Maavara, Senior Vice President CanWest Interactive...
the guy who invented "Canada.com."
Beyond running a few memorable events from student career
nights at PCHS, student conferences on change and development
at RHS and all student seminars on youth sexuality and disease
control, probably the most memorable event we sponsored was bringing
a number of high profile rock groups to the Pierrefonds arena
- including a group called, "Eagles". It was a great show and
a rehearsal for their 1st North American tour. These were amazing
The 30 Year North Shore Youth Services Reunion WebSite:
(Great pages!-ed) http://members.rogers.com/jsalvis/NSYS/NSYS-ind.htm
Johns Personal Site :
Dollard Daze 2202 -RHS Grads of `66-67 WebSite:
E-Mail: jsalvis@rogers.com
in 1976
Heather (Hepburn) Simpson
I just found the "Class of '75" website and had a major trip
down memory lane. I left Montreal in 1969, but a lot of my
former classmates from Roxboro Elementary appear on your list.
I'm living in Toronto with my husband and 2 boys (ages 8 and
12) and would love to hear from anyone who remembers me from
Roxboro Elementary. I would have been a Riverdale graduate
in the class of '75, had I not left town.
My older sister attended Riverdale for a couple of years (maybe
1967 - 69?) and would have graduated in 1971.
Once again, thanks for a fabulous trip down memory lane. I
even visited all the pages in the yearbook, and wondered which
clubs I might have participated in if I'd stayed.
Heather as she appeared in 1968, while attending Roxboro
Elementary School.
relaxes with her family in 1998
James was
editor of the '81 Olympiad and recently visited the site.
He and Bev live on the Prairies in Saskatoon; James is a professor
at the University of Saskatchewan and Bev works raising money
for the University.
It was great having you stop by, James!